Our parish is called "Christ the King" and is located in the Baressoumtou district. At the beginning of this new pastoral year I am happy to share with you my experience with the catechumens that have been preparing for the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist since last year. In the first year there were thirty-two, all young high school students (first grade). This year there are about twenty enrollees and some of them have the university level. The catechism takes place three times a week: on Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday after Mass, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. If they persevere, they will receive these sacraments at Easter.
Among these young people, I feel welcomed with joy. This welcome arouses in me an inner freedom that often alleviates the weight of fear and anxiety, especially because of their academic level! As they are at the beginning of their Christian life journey, they are full of curiosity and enthusiasm and I am called to prepare the courses well to help them to know and truly love Christ, according to our charisma "Love and make love the heart of Jesus".
These catechumens also bring me a lot by their simplicity and perseverance. They generate mutual trust and dynamism in the group and teach me to be myself. I thank my sisters who constantly encourage me in this mission, who give me the means and are always ready to help me in this beautiful service of catechism. As Servants of the Heart of Jesus, we are all called to "love and make love the Heart of Jesus" to all those to whom we are sent to serve, to be a witness of Christ, to reveal the true love of His Sacred Heart where we are, to lead all men to Jesus.
I therefore wish each one good mission and pray for each other.
Sister Marie Jeanne, Scj